Despite its recent popularity, the science behind Red Light Therapy has been well documented for centuries.
Classical physicians believed light therapy could help rebalance the physiological humours. Later, it would be discovered that sunlight could have therapeutic benefits for those afflicted with everything from rickets to fungal infections and sleep disorders. As far back as 1903, the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded for work on the therapeutic and physiological benefits of light from artificial sources.
Over the centuries, light therapy has proven itself to be an effective, non-invasive option for pain reduction and wellness. Modern Red Light Therapy applies cutting edge scientific research and technological development to this classic, common-sense health approach.
The term “red light” refers to low levels of red or near-infrared light. Your eyes cannot see the infrared light, but your body can feel it as heat.
Red light therapy differs from infrared light therapy in that you can see and feel the red light., whereas you cannot see infrared light.
Red Light works on a biochemical level, increasing cellular function. It stimulates the cell’s mitochondria to produce more ATP (or adenosine triphosphate). ATP is the energy-carrying molecule in the cells of living things, and the energy the ATP carries allows cells to rejuvenate themselves and repair damage more efficiently.
Red Light Therapy can provide many positive benefits such as improved mental health, cognitive function, hormone health, and sleep optimization. It can even help with fat loss!. Science is proving it works more effectively in helping people manage injuries and pain effectively.
Whether your injury comes from a sports activity, daily life activities, or the result of a health problem, Red Light Therapy has helped many of our clients heal more quickly. Here are a few examples of injuries that red light therapy can help.
Sun Damage – keep
We all need a healthy dose of vitamin D daily. But too much sun results in damage. When you damage your skin, you’re creating a wound and scar tissue.
Red light therapy session time has proven to change collagen fibers affected by sun damage. Studies are showing that light therapy can change the structure of collagen fibers. The result is softer, smoother, and firmer skin, thanks to thicker collagen fibers.
Promotes Wound Healing – keep
Red light therapy has proven an effective supplemental solution for wounds. Studies are showing promising effects in that red light therapy can increase wound healing.
Burns, injuries, skin grafts, infected wounds, and trapping injuries have responded positively to laser therapy in the past, so red light therapy for wound healing makes sense.
Red light therapy also helps individuals manage pain. They can not only see injuries heal quickly, but sufferers of chronic pain can experience less pain with consistent red light therapy sessions.
The following conditions in particular can experience relief from red light therapy.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
You never know how much you use your wrists until you can’t use them. When shooting pain goes down your arm or your hands go numb, you understand the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Red light therapy can alleviate the pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. Scientists have discovered those who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome receive short-term pain relief from red light therapy.
Long-time sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis understand the painful treatments that try to alleviate their discomfort. Cortisone shots and medications with side effects often litter their medical history.
Red light therapy has proven to be a good short-term relief for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Studies are showing it alleviates morning stiffness and provides temporary relief throughout the day. So while it is not a cure, red light therapy can alleviate the pain of rheumatoid arthritis.
Much like how red-light therapy alleviates the pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis, studies are showing it also improves joint health, particularly, if you suffer from osteoarthritis of the knee. Many clients reported they could move with more ease after a red light treatment.
Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles tendonitis can put you on crutches or leave you immobile for periods of time. You use your Achilles tendon for everything from running to getting out of bed in the morning, so pain in this tendon is particularly crippling.
Red light therapy has proven to relieve pain in Achilles’ tendons. It makes sense since red light therapy has proven to relieve inflammation overall. It increases the blood flow in the Achilles tendon area, thereby reducing inflammation alleviating pain.
We do not just theorize about pain, but we’ve lived it. Read our story to learn how our founder’s pain led him to find these innovative and effective solutions.
We’ve turned the lights on to provide patients with red light therapy pain management. Check out our services to book a Red Light Therapy session today and start healing.